Monday, April 22, 2019

Videos from "Franklin Lost and Found" at Mystic Seaport Museum

Photo courtesy Mystic Seaport Museum; key at bottom of post
I'm delighted to be able to announce that our wonderful hosts for "Franklin Lost and Found" on April 5th at the Mystic Seaport Museum have now made available videos of the event. I know how many people around the world had very much wanted to attend, but for varied reasons weren't able -- these videos will give them a sense of the many exciting presentations and panels that day. And, even for those of us who were there, they're a valuable record of our proceedings, one which we can now peruse at any time, and check against those hastily scribbled notes we may or may not have not thought to make at the time.

First up are the opening remarks by Steve White, the President and CEO of Mystic Seaport Musuem, followed by David C. Woodman's keynote address, complete with his slides; as the key figure in understanding Inuit testimony and the search for Franklin's ships, I know his was perhaps the most anticipated of the day.  And then, in order:

• The panel on Inuit oral histories, featuring Fred Calabretta, Lawrence Millman, and Kenn Harper.

• The panel, "Of Ships and Men," about forensic work on the Franklin mystery, featuring John Geiger, Peter Carney, and Keith Millar.

• The panel on current archaeological work on Franklin, with a report from Doug Stenton on past and ongoing land archaeology.

• The panel on Franklin and Popular Culture, with myself and Leanne Shapton in conversation.

• The overall Q&A following all the panels (with a great opening question from my friend Frank Michael Schuster.

• The wonderful musical send-off from Geoff Kaufmann!

KEY: In the photo, from left to right: Jonathan Moore, Keith Millar, Peter Carney, Kenn Harper, Dave Woodman, Steve White, Leanne Shapton, John Geiger, Russell Potter, Lawrence Millman, Nicholas Bell.


  1. Given that the 1850-54 HMS "Investigator" expedition was a DIRECT PARALLEL ON SEVERAL LEVELS to the Franklin Expedition, here's a thought: Three of the "Investigator" crewmen were buried on the shores of Mercy Bay, Banks Island in April 1853 (Ames, Boyle, and Kerr), plus another man (Morgan) on Beechey Island, in May 1854. Since these men died in the latter part of the expedition - and the three Franklin men died in the early part of that voyage - might it be useful exhuming one or all of the "Investigator" men, conduct medical examinations, and compare the results to the examinations of the Franklin men done by Beattie?

    1. Glenn, that's indeed an idea worth pursuing -- if the funding and permits for an undertaking similar to Owen Beattie's at Beechey cold be managed.
